Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center

Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center is small museum in the basement of an apartment building showcasing posters from the Maoist and Cultural Revolution period of communist China. Around 1995, the museum owner, Mr. Yang Pei Ming, started collecting the posters because he wanted to save them from destruction and preserve their historical significance.
A visit to Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center is a really cool experience. Here you’ll get a visual representation of China’s socialist history through a few hundred posters displayed in addition to other Mao-era paraphernalia.
Check out the gift shop to buy posters, post cards, books, etc. Many trinkets and posters are originals and perhaps are the last of their kind in existence.
What to See and Do
An interesting bit of history of Communist China as told through propaganda posters. Americans in particular may enjoy seeing the perspectives depicted, as much of the socialist struggle appears directed at them and their brand of Capitalism.
Much of the idealist messaging seems quaint nowadays, but I’d recommend visiting here for the historical significance and to get a feel for one aspect of Chinese culture.
Download the SH Poster Art Museum Brochure
Getting There
The museum is open daily from 10:00 – 17:00

Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center
Room B-OC, 868 Huashan Rd.
Shanghai, China
上海宣传画艺术中心 中国 上海 华山路868号B幢 B层
Use Google Maps
The art center is in the basement of a routine looking apartment building so finding it can be a little tricky. Easy way to get there is find your way to the intersection of Huashan and Zhenning Roads. The apartment compound gate is at this intersection. Building B is about 90-meters inside.
- Take metro line 2 to Jing’An station
- Go out exit 5 or 6 which puts you on the Jing’An park side of Yan’an Road
- Walk through the park and find your way to Huanshan Rd.
- Walk about 1-kilometer until you get to the intersection of Huashan, Zhenning and Changle Roads
- The entrance to the apartment compound is at that intersection; look for building B about 80 meters past the gate